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Recap: Saturday, November 14, 2015


Noor, Paris, and France (barn kittens)

  • Amy picked up three barn kittens who were trapped on a rural property in Langley. (The mother of the kittens is feral, but was trapped and will be spayed and returned to the property.
  • The kittens are about 5 or 6 weeks old and are pretty friendly. They have no lesions and didn’t fluoresce under blacklight so are presumed ringworm-free. They have no fleas, though they seem to have wormy bellies. They’re too young for vaccinations but were given dewormer.
  • They were named by visitor Noor, with the help of Livestream chatters.
    • Kitten #1, given the name Noor, is a male brown mackerel tabby; heaviest of the litter at 1 lb 3.4 oz
    • Kitten #2, given the name Paris, is a female black kitten weighing 14.7 oz.
    • Kitten #3, given the name France, is a male tuxie with a white stripe on his nose, weighing 13.6 oz.
  • They’ll be held in Cat Cottage until a foster home can be found for them.


  • Lock was adopted today out of the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre.

CallaLily Litter

  • Captain was adopted from the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre in Abbotsford this morning.
  • There is an adoption application in for Galaxy but it was too late in the day to be checked out and approved today. Hopefully that will be done tomorrow. In the meantime, Galaxy is hanging out with Mick from the Rolling Stones litter and Jack Black.
  • Alicia was at the adoption centre today for abotu four hours, helping out and hanging out with Galaxy and the others. Galaxy was not a happy boy at first — hardly surprising — but he mellowed out with Alicia there.
  • Alicia had a Periscope tonight with Calla Lily and Miss Vicky. Calla will be with Alicia until her Thursday appointment to get her tattoo, after which she’ll be up for adoption. There are no applications currently in for Calla, though. Alicia picked up some new toys from Petsmart while she was there, and they meet with Calla’s approval. 😉


  • Foster Mom Jules posted a couple of lovely pictures of Shiraz today.
  • She also had a Periscope session with Shiraz (or Rasie as she calls her) tonight. Shiraz’s cone of shame is a little too short and she can still get at the open wounds on her legs.


  • Lock was adopted from the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre in Abbotsford today.

Jewel Litter

  • Ruby and Diamond will be getting spayed on November 30, after which they’ll be available for adoption.


TinyKittens HQ:

  • No updates yet today

People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

Mr. T and Pinecone

The Mr. T and Pinecone Experience! — Day 20 Visits:

  • Kimsies and her husband Keith visited with the boys.


Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Tip and kittens 11 14 2015

Tiny Kittens Eep sneaks in w Cass & Pants then pack up time

[Page last updated: 2015/11/01 at 00:00 PST]

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