General Notes:
Most of this information was garnered from conversations held on various Livestream and Periscope videos. Most of it is pretty minimal.
- There are apparently 4 (or perhaps 2 — people were unsure) kittens with ringworm coming in (today?) but there were no further details about that on cam.
- There was talk of a cat who wasn’t young, was neutered, has a URI and maybe calici, been outside a lot, matted, very friendly. Don’t know what cat that was. (Could be Douglas as he fits a large chunk of that description.)
- Salem and Sabrina are two kittens — probably related to Taylor Swift — who are hanging out in Jayne’s office. (These kittens were previously mentioned in one of Frodo’s October 15 Periscope. The woman who’d brought in Taylor Swift had seen her seemingly pregnant sister with seven-week-old kittens. I don’t know when they were brought in or any further details.)
- There was also talk of two older kittens with URI. (Martha and Lucina)
- Frodo is booked in at Mountain View next week for his jaw surgery.
- He is going to be going into foster care, though they’re not sure with whom, as they need the ISO room he’s currently in for some incoming ringworm kittens. (I have no further information about the ringworm kittens except that there are 2 or 4 of them.) He also need more company — he’s a very sweet, very feisty little guy who is getting lonely on his own with only the occasional visitor.
- Douglas is doing OK. He’s not a fan of the regular wet food — Suzanne could only get him to eat Whiskas — though he’ll eat kibble.
Great Catsby Litter
- Lindy Hop has lost a little weight.
- Mama Zelda is also a little underweight. (Who wouldn’t be trying to nurse 10 kittens?)
Nova’s Weather Kittens
- Haze is not eating on his own so Kayla is syringe-feeding him regularly. He *is* on the other hand enjoying hanging out with his friend Jasper. Kayla or Gwen will take him home with them tonight.
- Haze’s brother Sunny is still at Mountain View getting round-the-clock treatment for his severe anemia, hypoglycemia, and dehydration.
❤️❤️❤️ Updated on Saturday: Sunny was just not thriving at all and Dr. Ferguson made the very difficult decision to humanely euthanize him late tonight. They can’t pinpoint exactly what has been wrong with Nova’s kittens. (They’re still waiting on the results of Rain’s necropsy.) Could be any number of issues in any combination: hypoglycemia, dehydration, starvation, anemia, parasites, and so on. (Given that the other ginger kitten hasn’t been seen with the others in some time, I suspect he/she has died as well, possibly before Rain was trapped. But that’s pure speculation on my part.) This is the unfortunate reality of life for a feral cat/kitten. Most kittens do not survive to adulthood; these kittens have been lucky to at least have been warm, fed, and surrounded by love in their last hours. Hopefully the TNR team will be able to trap Nova before she has the kittens she is suspected to be pregnant with. ❤️❤️❤️
Full House Family
- DJ has been adopted. Stephanie and Michelle have gone to Harvey Pet Food & Supplies’ adoption centre.
Java and Cappuccino
- The boys have been moved to the small communal room.
CallaLily Litter
- Alicia had her daily Periscope session with Calla Lily and the kittens.
TinyKittens HQ:
- No updates yet today.
People for Happier Cats/TNR site:
General Notes
- I’ve started posting about Nova’s Weather Kittens under LAPS above instead of down here because they are currently in the care of LAPS.
- Kimsies uploaded a bunch of pictures from the feeding station. - Willow Sarin‘s humans are going to be building some feeding shelters at the colony this weekend.
Mr. T and Pinecone
- Mr. T (aka Torelius) and Pinecone were supposed to be brought in to TKHQ on Wednesday, but all of the trapping of and issues with Nova’s kittens changed that. The plan is now to bring them in on Sunday.
Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Tip and kittens and cleaning
Tiny Kittens Cassidy Field Trip
Tiny Kittens Cassidy PT and resplinting attempts hes full of energy
Tiny Kittens Cassidy re splinting attempts no audio until 22 mins
[Page last updated: 2015/10/24 at 18:44 PDT]