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Recap: Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Rose HappyForest

Rose was returned to the feral colony today by Kayla and Chloe. She moved away from the carrier pretty quickly once she came out, but she explored the feeding station area fairly leisurely once she’d moved out of range. I think she’s probably pretty happy to be out of captivity. Hopefully, at some nebulous future date, Rose (like Torelius) will have cleared up her ringworm on her own and will be able to be re-socialized again and come inside. All the People For Happier Cats volunteers who man the feeding station will do their best to make the station as welcoming as possible for her so here’s hoping. ❤️

The Sugar Litter

Sweet Sue, Osgood, and Sugar Kane are five weeks old now.

The Great Catsby Litter

Fay and Lindy Hop, two of the tabbies born to Zelda, already have their eyes open…at only a week old. Very precocious. Zelda is getting some sub Q fluids to help her out a bit (providing milkbar for 10 kittens takes a lot out of you); she’s been vomiting a bit and her stools are soft.

Sully (aka Sullivan)

Foster Mom Jules had a Periscope session with Sully today while waiting for the Cassidy news clip to start on the evening news.

The CallaLily Litter

Alicia held her daily Periscope session. Captain is getting very adventurous, though Calla tries to keep him in line. This weekend, it’s time for real food, floor time, and litter box training. Should be fun to watch. ❤️

TinyKittens HQ:


People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

  • No updates yet today except that, as noted above, Rose has been released back into the Happy Forest feral colony. Hopefully she’ll come back to visit with the humans periodically and will eventually be able to be brought back indoors.

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Tip and kittens

Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Cassidy and Topper then off to wheelchair fittings

Tiny Kittens Shellys visit with Cassidy after wheelchair fittings

Tiny Kittens Shellys brief visit with Tip and kittens between meetings

Tiny Kittens Vet update Cassidys growth plate in left stump isn’t growing right but will be ok

Tiny Kittens Shellys late night visit with Cassidy and Topper

[Page last updated: 2015/09/24 at 05:25 PDT]

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