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Recap: Saturday, February 20, 2016


General Notes

  • Kayla Periscoped an off-leash walk she and Amy took with dogs Paprika and Barney on the fenced-in trail behind the shelter.

Feral Colony Cats

ferals currently being socialized at/through LAPS as of 2016-02-13 - Eaton and Rio
  • Eaton and Rio are hanging out at Hotel Jules with Foster Mom Jules.
  • During her late night visit with NoElf, Shelly mentioned that while Rio is doing really well, Eaton is not doing so great with his socialization. She says he’s kind of like Satine in some ways, a little more fearful at times. Jules is evaluating him — he may have to go back to the colony for awhile, until he’s really ready for the indoor life with humans.


  • Decker is hanging out at Alicia’s for a week or so, until his neuter, which is scheduled for Tuesday, February 23. (He’ll come back to her place overnight before going to LAPS on Wednesday.) She had her nightly Periscope with him tonight. Tonight’s toys of choice were the Neko Fly and the trusty hexbug. (The hexbug went through the wash but came out still working.) Alicia brought Miss Viki in for a quick visit that really didn’t go anywhere.

TinyKittens HQ:

General Notes

  • More women’s t-shirts in a variety of sizes have been added to the TinyKittens Etsy shop. Unisex t-shirts will hopefully come soon, as will other colours than grey. (I see now that more feral art cards have also been added, if you haven’t gotten yours yet.) And remember, 100% of the proceeds from items sold in Shelly’s TinyKittens Etsy shop directly support TinyKittens’ work.
    Official TinyKittens T-shirts at Etsy


You can follow the antics of Cassidy and Shelly’s own cats (aka the Teens: Bunny, Pantsaroo, and Bartlett) on the TinyTuxies Facebook page.

  • Cassidy is doing well, being a scampy kitten. He jumped down from the top of the tall cat tree to the floor instead of the couch, as any self-respecting scamp would do.

People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

Feral colony notes

These are random updates/comments, mostly from Shelly’s late night visit with NoElf.

Feeding station news

  • Shelly thinks Gallico, Crusher, and Rhodes are brothers as they have the same ample body type and hang out together. Hasn’t seen Crusher in awhile, though.
  • She saw most of the recently trapped/released cats — Satine, Shiloh, Ramses, Reggie, Pansy, Raven — at the feeding station today. Satine circled around Shelly, but didn’t come close. Shiloh has been coming regularly and getting closer each time.
  • She saw Hera today — hasn’t seen her since they released her last summer.
  • Sable was not there today. Neelix was there for awhile. Nova, Sisko, Sigma, Rhodes, Rollins, fluffy Elliot (though he stays on the periphery)…but there were surprisingly few cats there today, just the regulars. Only one cat hadn’t been spayed/neutered yet.
  • Rose has been hanging out at the neighbour’s, the same area that Comet and Jingles come from. Shelly didn’t see Mila today, but saw her on Wednesday.

Exciting upcoming activity

  • Shelly has been cryptically teasing for a few days now that there are exciting times ahead, perhaps in the very near future.
  • There are no real updates (though she did have a bit more information) — too many moving parts, answered questions just leading to more complications, logistical issues, etc.
  • Shelly’s going back to the colony tomorrow. A number of things could happen, she says…including nothing at all. 😉 She confirmed that she’s looking to bring in two cats at the same time that are at about the same stage of pregnancy. There are some wildcards (which she didn’t elaborate on) that have been thrown into the mix and she’s not sure of the outcome of those. The logistics and decision process are very complicated — who they trap depends on who shows up and who gets along with whom; and there’s always the chance that they’ll trap a cat who isn’t actually pregnant and that will mess up the goal to have two pregnant cats at TKHQ going through the socialization and whatnot together.
  • She’s 80% sure that Sable is pregnant. If so, she’s the most pregnant; any others are likely about two to three weeks pregnant so not showing yet.
  • She talked a bit about how complicated it would be to treat ringworm in a pregnant feral.

The cams and Livestream feeds

We currently have three live streaming webcams at TKHQ:

  • The Jingle Bell’s Romper Room of Delight stream: Despite the name, this is the stream that is on Noelle and Elf in their dormitory downstairs.
  • The Feral Recovery Room stream: This, as the name would suggest, is the stream that was on the upstairs room with Enara until she went to her forever home; after she left, the feed was set to show reruns of feral colony videos.
  • The TinyKittens VIP cam stream: When there are only two (or fewer) rooms of cats/kittens, this stream is usually showing an alternate view of one of the rooms. Wherever it’s pointing at any given moment, this special stream/feed is only accessible for a monthly or annual fee. (Consider it a way to donate to TinyKittens monthly, with the VIP cam feed as a perk.)

Feral Recovery Ward

Current resident:

Ferals currently recuperating at TKHQ 2016-02-19 - Just lovely little Enara on her own
  • The lovely Enara went home to her new home on Vancouver Island at 10:00 today. You can follow her continuing adventures on her Facebook page, QueEnara, Jet Set GO.
  • The Visits:

    • Amanda came in early, to have a little goodbye cuddle with Enara. She couldn’t find Enara at first; Enara was in her usual hidey hole under the lowest level on the Kuranda tower.
    • Enara’s new human, Michelle, arrived while Amanda was still there (and shortly before Shelly arrived). Amanda went downstairs to visit with Noelle and Elf while Shelly and Michelle tackled the paperwork and tiny suitcase packing. (Enara’s tiny suitcase includes the her favourite catnip lion, a white rattie, a ribbon kicker, one of the big feathers.) Enara came right out to see Michelle when she came in, but she got nervous at times and retreated. Shelly mentioned, during the course of passing over all of Enara’s paperwork and medical information, that Mountain View had found a physiological heart murmur that isn’t an issue at all and only shows up with she’s nervous.
    • After Enara headed off for her ferry ride to her new home on the island, Shelly came back and had a visit with the cam viewers, giving them updates on various goings on. “Stay tuned because what’s coming next is coming soon!” She said that yesterday was very exciting and today was going to be an exciting day, too. Possibly tonight, possibly tomorrow. (Possibly what?) There are some logistics to work out — all will be revealed. Stay tuned on Facebook. (People have been speculating in chat that they’ve heard strange things downstairs, but there’s no one down there but NoElf right now.)
  • After Shelly headed out, she put feral colony videos on repeat on the feral recovery cam, so that the chat window could remain open and active. And that marks the (temporary) end to the feral recovery room cam coverage…until new residents arrive on the scene.

NoElf Room

This is the room downstairs where Noelle and Elf are currently residing, on their own while Noelle’s ringworm status is still positive.

  • The girls’ spays have been rescheduled for Thursday. Elf will get her FIV/FeLV test at that time.
  • The Visits:
    • Amanda visited in the morning, after she said goodbye to Enara. She brought more food, did a laundry check, and had lots of play time and cuddles. (Elf was particularly cute, squeaking at the laundry room door until Amanda came out to play.)
    • Alicia visited. As always, there’s was food, cleaning/tidying, and a lot of playing and cuddling. (And some upside down hover kitten.)
    • Shelly visited late at night, for an extended update on everything going on.

      • She set up a cam on a tripod with a view of the top of the upturned bin on the shelves, where Noelle and Elf have been sleeping lately.
      • There’s a cat at the colony, Maravel, who sounds worse than Elf congestion-wise. There’s nothing they can do about it; they just have to wait for her immune system to catch up. Someone in chat suggested having a titre done for fungus in Elf’s nasal passages. Shelly will look into it.
      • Shelly hasn’t heard from Holly’s people.

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Amanda says goodbye to Enara then Enara goes home

Tiny Kittens Shellys late night visit no news on next pregnant mama yet waiting for stars to align

[Page last updated: 2016/02/22 at 08:28 PST]

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