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Recap: Tuesday, November 3, 2015



  • Anthos was adopted today from the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre. His new name is Marty. So that’s the last of Rose’s kittens now finally in his forever home.

Denver, Charlie Brown, and Jack Black

  • Thanks to Noor’s update on her picture (noted in the TKHQ section below), we know that all three boys are still in isolation for their URIs but are doing fine, getting some extra attention from the lovely Noor while she’s volunteering.

CallaLily Litter

  • The kittens are nine weeks old today.
  • Alicia had her daily Periscope with Calla and the kittens.

TinyKittens HQ:

General Stuff

  • Noor Alibay, a long-time LAPS and TK supporter from France, is in Langley for the LAPS gala. She brought some lovely silent auction items and is volunteering at LAPS while she is here.https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156215195980387&set=a.10151200873460387.802229.847650386&type=3&permPage=1

MountainView and DreamWorks Litters

  • Six kittens and Tip had their vaccine boosters today at Mountain View.
  • Eep and Owl, Tigress and Skipper, and Walt, Daisy, and Bambi are all going home to their new families tomorrow so it is suitcase packing time for them. The dollar store no longer has the tiny suitcases so someone made/provided some nifty collapsible boxes and Peter and Christine made tote bags instead. Lots of toys going home with the kids — it’s going to be so quiet without 12 kittens thundering around (and without Little Goat bleating).
    — I just happened to be off and in a position to capture HD video of this event, which I’ve embedded below. (Little Darling has also uploaded her own recording of this event — see her section at the bottom of this page.)

People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

Mr. T and Pinecone

The Mr. T and Pinecone Experience! — Day 9 Visits:

  • Kimsies visited in the morning. She rearranged things a bit, added some additional stacked nests and padding so that Mr. T will have a softer landing when he invariably falls off the ledge. Then she had some good snuggles with both cats, though Pinecone spent most of his time in his Crinkle Tunnel of Joy/Tube of Happiness.
    (See Little Darling’s capture of that visit in her section at the bottom of this page.)
  • Kim T visited around 15:00 PST. Mr. T was fairly snuggly, but Pinecone again spent most of his time in his Crinkle Tunnel of Joy/Tube of Happiness.
    — I just happened to be off and in a position to capture HD video of this visit, which I’ve embedded below. (Little Darling has also uploaded her own recording of the first 17 minutes of this visit — see her section at the bottom of this page.)
  • Foster Mom Jules visited around 17:40 PST. She brought the boys some Temptations chicken treats (“kitty crack”, which were gobbled up, unsurprisingly), some cat grass (which is still under consideration), and some so-called “herring steak” snacks (which apparently stink and did not go over well at all). The store where she got the cat grass gave her a bunch of little sampler bags of food when they learned where she was going. Mr. T was very cuddly and drooly, but Pinecone again spent most of his time in his Crinkle Tunnel of Joy.
    — I just happened to be off and in a position to capture HD video of this visit, which I’ve embedded below. (Little Darling has also uploaded her own recording of this visit, minus the first 20 minutes or so — see her section at the bottom of this page.)

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Kimsie visits Mr T and PC

Tiny Kittens Packing tiny suitcases for Tip and kittens first 20 mins is a bit stuttery LS not good

Tiny Kittens Kim T visits Mr T and PC video wasnt good after awhile so I stopped

Tiny Kittens Julia K -I think- visits Mr T and PC stuttery first few mins on DVR

Tiny Kittens Last night at TKHQ goatrage

Tiny Kittens Shelly does nail clipping then the kittens play

[Page last updated: 2015/11/04 at 23:35 PST]

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