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Recaps: Tuesday, September 29, 2015


  • Alicia had her daily Periscope session with Calla Lily and the kittens.

TinyKittens HQ:

  • Shelly and Cassidy appeared on Global Morning News at 08:20 this morning with Josh and Isaiah, the two students from Walnut Grove Secondary who made Cassidy’s 3D-printed wheelchair.
    Watch the embedded video below or go to http://globalnews.ca/video/2247634/students-create-3d-wheelchair-for-disabled-kitten to watch on the Global BC News site.
  • Cassidy’s story appeared on the following sites today:
    • BuzzFeed — Like many of the articles that have appeared about Cassidy, there are a number of errors in the story so don’t take it to be a reliable source of information, but it’s good to see Cassidy (and Shelly) getting more and more attention from beyond Langley. (Makes me think of the days of Dorothy and the kittens of Oz this time last year.)
    • Huffington Post — This is a really good article, with all correct information in it. It includes a number of videos.
    • Mashable — Largely based on the somewhat inaccurate Langley Advance and BuzzFeed articles so it contains a number of errors.
  • Skipper has discovered he can jump over the gate and so can let himself in and out of the room.
  • Dr. Ferguson (Mountain View Veterinary Hospital) came by to give all 14 kittens and Tip a checkup and vaccines for Feline Viral Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, and Panleukopenia. The kittens were incredibly scampy, climbing all over (and often falling off) the table and just being the little troublemakers that they are. Topper met the kittens for the first time. He’s still a lot bigger than some of them, but they’re all much more on par with each other now (and the MountainView/DreamWorks kittens can be little hooligans all on their own) so he now gets to hang out with them all the time. (Tip seems to accept him with no problems, too.)
    The checkup results, in order that they were checked:

    • Walt: 877 grams. All looks good. Dr. F found two testicles.
    • Tip: Has what Dr. F thinks is stage 2 dental disease, with some gingivitis and tartar buildup but no bone loss; they will do a dental while she’s under for her spay and she’ll be good to go. Dr. F can see some debris from ear mites in her ears and in the ears of all of her biological kittens, but not anything active and Sisko’s kitten do not have the same problem.
    • Owl: (They weighed her but didn’t say what it was.) Dr. F thinks she heard a grade 1 murmur on the left side of Owl’s heart — she will check it again in a week or so. Owl has a small umbilical hernia (which is a hereditary defect, not injury) that they will fix during her spay surgery.
    • Eep:  888 grams. All looks good. (She was very squirmy.)
    • Tigress: 976 grams. She also has an umbilical hernia and maybe a low grade heart murmur. They’ll recheck the murmur in a week or so and repair the hernia during her spay.
    • Hiccup: 1037 grams. He has a little bit of persistent pupillary membrane (which Munchkin and some or all of the other Oz kittens had and which isn’t a problem). Dr. F found two testicles.
    • Skipper: 900 grams. He has a little bit of persistent pupillary membrane as well. Dr. F found two testicles.
    • Topper: Dr. F didn’t have to give him much of a checkup since she’d already given him a thorough one during the failed attempt at his neuter surgery. They will give him five or six months for the wayward testicle to appear and if it still doesn’t, then they’ll have to resort to exploratory surgery as leaving it intact but hidden increases the chances of cancer (and also leaves him fertile). Cryptorchidism is hereditary.
    • Thumper: 907 grams. Dr. F found two testicles.
    • Bluebelle: 866 grams. Doing great.
    • Daisy: 961 grams. Her face is almost all cleared up and she is doing great.
    • Flower: The tiniest of the tiny kittens at 858 grams. New drug is working well and she’s doing great.
    • Bambi: 1032 grams. He has a louder heart murmur than the others. (Dr. F says the others might go away, but his might not.) They’ll recheck in a week or so. Dr. F found two testicles. He was not impressed with the needle and Dr. F ended up pricking herself with the first needle and had to replace the needle tip to give Bambi his shot.
    • Puss in Boots: The largest of the kittens at 1109 grams. Dr. F found two testicles. He’s doing great.
    • Cassidy: Dr. F didn’t have to do much of a checkup as she’s seen him quite often over his short time at TKHQ. He’s doing great. She found two testicles. He’s very nearly official neuter weight (985-ish grams) — he’s scheduled to go in on Thursday for his neuter surgery and to get some better quality x-rays taken of his stumps so that they can get a better idea of his options.

People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

  • Kim Tomms, new to the TNR team, was on feeding station duty today.

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Cassidy then off to the interview

Tiny Kittens Shelly brings back Cassidy from Global News interview

Tiny Kittens Shellys brief visit with the adorable Cassidy

Tiny Kittens Shellys morning visit with Tip and kittens

Tiny Kittens Cassidy’s field trip with the teens

Tiny Kittens Dr F checks up all kittens couple have hernias no biggie

Tiny Kittens Dr F checkups part 2

Tiny Kittens Dr F checks up Cassidy

Tiny Kittens Shellys visit with Cassidy after Dr F leaves

Tiny Kittens Topper vs The goat

[Page last updated: 2015/09/30 at 03:44 PDT]

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