Note: Page is still being updated.
Feral Colony Cats

- Caden and Henrietta were returned to the colony today as they were just not taking to captivity very well. They didn’t run away very far when released so perhaps the TNR team will be able to continue to work with them out in the field.
[fbvideo link=”” width=”500″ height=”400″ onlyvideo=”0″] - Added January 25: Kimsies posted video today of Caden happy and friendly at the feeding station, which shows that releasing them was truly in their best interests. Now the TNR team can work with them where they are comfortable and maybe they’ll be more open to coming indoors at a later date.
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- Foster Mom Daniela posted an update on Cedric. Cedric arrived at LAPS on or around January 4 after having been (presumably) hit by a car. He’s healing up wonderfully from his amputation surgery and heads to his new forever home tomorrow.
Star Wars Litter
LAPS staff and volunteers have been very good about posting the videos of the various visits with Queen Amidala and the kittens to their Livestream page, so if you miss any visit, you can go to to watch them. (Note: It’s not always easy to tell what day a video is from — Livestream uses relative time, i.e. “xx days ago”, for posts and Zulu Time, which is currently eight hours ahead of PST, for comments — but they are in reverse chronological order on the page.)
- Weight chart
- Today’s visits/videos on Livestream (in chronological order, titles from actual posts):
- (Links to come)
Christmas Decoration Kittens
Alicia tries to broadcast a Periscope with the kittens every night at around 20:00 PST. Because Periscope videos are only viewable on/in Periscope for 24 hours, I record the videos and upload them to YouTube.
- Star’s future human came by for a visit, since Star’s adoption is delayed slightly because she’s still too little for her spay. Alicia Periscoped the meeting. (Star wasn’t sure what to think — she’d never had another human come into her territory before — but she calmed down.)
- Alicia then had her usual nightly Periscope with Star.
TinyKittens HQ:
- Cassidy, Shelly, and Dr. Ferguson are headed off to North Carolina today to see Dr. Marcellin-Little about possible future implants. Gwen will be taking care of things at TKHQ while Shelly is gone.
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People for Happier Cats/TNR site:
General Notes
The TinyKittens VIP cam gets swapped around periodically. (Since the feral recovery room was implemented, it’s been mostly on the upstairs “formerly feral” romper room instead.) The feed (wherever it’s pointing at any given moment) can be accessed for a monthly or annual fee. (Consider it a way to donate to TinyKittens monthly, with the VIP cam feed as a perk.)
Feral Recovery Ward
Current residents:

- It’s been a bad 24 hours for window beds. The feral cats use the window beds differently than most cats would, piling more cats on them for longer periods of time than they were designed to hold. In the last 24 hours, the window beds in both rooms have detached and fallen. The one in the feral recovery room collapsed early this morning, taking poor Pansy with it and unceremoniously dumping her onto the floor. She seemed OK afterwards. (The box of bleach that the snugglers stand on seemed to cushion her fall fairly well.) Tension in the room seemed higher after that, though, with Satine particularly grumbly and growly.
- The Visits:
- Visit details to come.
Formerly-Feral Mega Romper Room
- No updates yet today.
- The Visits:
- Visit details to come.
Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Gwen? visits feral room
[Page last updated: 2016/02/01 at 23:59 PST]