Feral Colonies
- Kimsies was on feeding station duty today. She posted several pictures and videos at the Happy Forest colony.
- She also posted two videos of the Giant Pumpkin at the Lion Colony.
TinyKittens HQ
The cams and Livestream feeds
Since the fix-a-thon, Shelly has been switching cams and feeds around fairly randomly so it’s complicated to keep track of which room was on which stream at which time. There are still two streams (VIP stream and regular regular fix-a-thon stream) and any of the three rooms (Lion Colony room aka the white room upstairs, Happy Forest Colony room aka the purple room upstairs, and the Nano Colony room aka the small feral recovery room downstairs) may be on either of the cams at any given point. (The regular stream was offline completely from about 10:30 PM until 11:12 PM.)
General Notes
- Someone will be coming to pick up the trap covers on Sunday to repair the fraying problem they’re having.
- The two very timid Surrey Community Cat Coalition cats are going back to SCCC on Saturday.
Lion Colony Room
The white room upstairs at TinyKittens HQ is currently the home of Wee Pumpkin (aka Wumpkin aka Wee Flumpkin) and Middle Pumpkin (aka Mumpkin) from the Lion Colony.
- Gwen visited in the morning to give Wee Pumpkin his meds, put out more food, and tidy up.
- Suzanne had a long cuddle session with Wee Pumpkin in the late morning.
- Amanda visited in the early afternoon.
- Wee went to Mountain View (with Macey) to have his eye looked at and have his rapid heartbeat and quick respiration rate checked out. Shelly and Gwen visited with him in the early evening (shortly after 7 PM), and Shelly gave some updates.
- The conjunctiva tissue covering Wee’s cornea was removed.
- They vaccinated him and gave him a third dewormer, Advantage Multi — Wee is wheezing a bit and there are a couple of spots on his lungs that could indicate lungworms, and Advantage Multi works against them and other parasites. They’re waiting on test results, which they should have tomorrow.
- They gave Wee his Surolan ear drops and eye ointment — one more eye ointment tonight.
- Shelly pet Middle Pumpkin a bit with a feather stick and Gwen petted him briefly with a comb, but he wasn’t a fan.
- Shelly later posted pictures (the pictures she took last night, I believe) of Wee’s conjunctiva tissue, corneal scarring, and persistent pupillary membranes as well as an update on Wee’s vet visit on her TinyTapeworms Facebook page. In addition to issues she’d mentioned during her on-cam visit, she also mentions that Wee’s liver appears to be enlarged so they are consulting with a specialist.
- She also posted a video of her cleaning Wee’s ears during his intake on February 17.
- And a video of his ear mites.
Happy Forest Colony Room
The purple room upstairs at TinyKittens HQ, current home of Calvin, Macey, QuinnBunny, and Rusty.
- The Happy Forest Room was not on cam today from about 9:27 AM when the feed switched to the Nano’s Colony room until 5:45 PM when it switched back. I presume that the snugglers (Suzanne and Amanda) popped in here at least briefly while they were at TinyKittens HQ during the time that the room was not on-cam.
- Shelly and Gwen visited with Happy Forest cats at around 7 PM. They vaccinated Rusty and QuinnBunny. (Calvin is already current in his vaccinations and Macey has had a big day so they’ll do hers tomorrow.)
- Joy of Joys! Calvin’s cat dancer is now properly hung up in the room. He’s a happy boy.
Nano’s Colony Room
The small feral recovery room downstairs at TinyKittens HQ, currently home to Nala, her daughter Mali, and old man Racer from Nano’s Colony.
- Racer went back to the colony today. Kimsies posted a video of his release.
- Suzanne had a good snuggle session with Mali this afternoon.
- The room was no longer on-cam at the time, but I assume that Shelly and Gwen came here after they left the Lion Colony Room at around 7:30 PM to give meds and vaccinations.
Mason is at Shelly’s. He has the run of the house, though Shelly says he mostly hides under the couch.
The cams and Livestream feeds
LAPS is currently having some technical issues with their computer and their Internet/WiFi and so they’re generally unable to broadcast a full-time live stream at this time. Their current intermittent streams are:
- A Day in the Life At LAPS: This is the main general event for LAPS. It’s the stream where intakes are usually streamed along with other shelter residents/rooms.
National Cupcake Day
- Foster Mom Jules was live on Facebook with Kayla having Abel, Chandler, and Lexi taste-test the cheese, apple, apple sauce, and peanut butter pupcakes she’ll have tomorrow at Waldo and Tubbs in Fort Langley.
Unfortunately, Facebook Live posts don’t embed well into WordPress these days, so you’ll have to go to the LAPS Facebook Live post directly by clicking the image or clicking here.
- Reminder: Cupcakes benefiting LAPS will be on sale tomorrow at Waldo and Tubbs in Fort Langley, Harvey’s Pet Foods in Langley, Paw Street Market in Langley, and Tisol Pet Supplies in Langley.
Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Start w one visit then cam switched to Suzanne’s visit
[Page last updated: 2017/02/25 at 01:04 PST]