It’s been almost a year now since Shelly started her leave of absence from TinyKittens. The situation there is still pretty much the same now as it was then and with that (and with a gradual decrease in information from LAPS and a subtle change to their social engagement over the last few months), there’s little point in even keeping up the pretense of daily recaps. However, the site isn’t dead yet — I’ve spent too long compiling information to just completely shut things down.
So, what’s in the cards for
- No more daily recaps: Tonight, I made all of the existing posts on this site private. I may republish or re-purpose some of the more important ones, such as the fix-a-thon posts, but for the most part I have no intention of republishing any of the old daily recap pages or adding any new ones.
- No more uploaded videos: While I never got a request to stop uploading videos, I presume that’s just because no one at TK realized that I, like Little Darling, was doing that. So, I’ve voluntarily stopped uploading recordings of TinyKittens-related visits to my YouTube account. I’ve left everything that was already uploaded there, but will unpublish any of them if requested.
- I *will* keep updating the combined weight chart in Google Docs. (There haven’t been any recent updates — the fire litters did not have public weight charts — but I will continue to add any future litters.)
- Expanded informational pages: I’ve long had a series of informational pages (in varying stages of completion) that I’ve been working on, including a timeline of key events (births, deaths, trappings, adoptions, etc.) from 2015 to now and an expanded compilation of information about the cats, kittens, and colonies. I don’t have an ETA on when they might be published, but they are in the plans. [Note: They are for the most part a compilation of information that is already publicly available but difficult to see at a glance on social media. No dangerous or secret information.]
- I published the “graduates, guests, and losses” pages for the Lion Colony and the Colony of the Dolls today. (Still have some updates to make to all four colony grad pages, but they’re at least all published.)
- I also published a page for the October 2016 fix-a-thon that combines information from the relevant daily recaps with some other information that had been destined for a different page. A similar page is currently under construction for the February 2017 fix-a-thon — it requires more editing than the October one so it will be a few days/weeks before that is published.
- will be just for TinyKittens: I may create a separate site for LAPS-related information later on, but I will just be concentrating on TinyKittens information here. (It will take me some time to separate out the LAPS and TK information. The timeline pages in particular are currently a mix of LAPS and TK events that may be difficult to separate out since there was early overlap between the two when it came to the Happy Forest and other feral colonies.)
So, that’s about it.
Welcome back! You’ve been missed and I hope you are well again.
Whatever you want to do with this blog is OK with us. We appreciate the work you do to consolidate and summarize the many happenings at TK.
Good luck with your new plan
Is this still ongoing? Where does one sign up to see the private posts?
Thank you
Cristina S
The site is still ongoing, though I haven’t updated a great deal lately beyond adding some information to a couple of the colony pages. The private posts are only — and will only be — accessible to me.