Who’s in care with TinyKittens as of April 30:
→ [basement nursery] Serenity and her four kittens (Clover, Tulip, Iris, and Tiarella Ninja), Nelia and her three remaining babies (Atlas, Rhea, and Orion) plus two of Suri’s kittens.
→ [main part of house] Mason and Auracuda are in the main part of the house with the Tiny Tuxies (aka the Teens and Cassidy)
→ [kitten enclosure somewhere] Flower Kittens (Snapdragon, Snowdrop, Azalea, Clary Sage, and Dahlia)
@ TKHQ 2.1:
→ [basement feral nursery] Suri and two of her four kittens
→ [basement feral recovery room] Majid (male), Tuesday (male). Per Shelly’s comment on Suri’s birth announcement post on April 3, one is being treated for ear infections and the other is getting dental surgery later this week; Marvin, Mega, and Royal since April 11.
→ [basement ringworm treatment room] Ridge
→ [upstairs room] Chester (also visiting Shelly’s house at times), Sasha (not to be mistaken for Sasha, the first feral re-homed to a barn in Feb 2015) — Sasha is also pregnant.
→ [@ Kimsies’] Moustachio (see Leo, Bobbi, Bowie & Big Brother Jager Facebook page for updates)
→ [Other fosters] Marcus, Echo
→ Comparison weight chart from the Country Superstars to Serenity ←
(Note: The chart now includes all of the TinyKittens litters from 2013 to now whose weight charts I could find. It doesn’t include Molly’s kittens, Sophie’s kittens, the Fairy Kittens, or Petunia’s kittens.)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
→ NEW INFO PAGE: Cat Genetics ←
(Basic cat genetics information and links to some resources where you can learn more.)
April 30
- Shelly posted video of Grandpa Mason and Aura with the Flower Kittens.
- Kim T. posted pictures and video from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
April 29
- Gwen gave Sasha an injection in her right front shoulder, most likely the typical vaccine TinyKittens gives to pregnant mamas.
- Shelly posted an adorable video of Snowdrop lying in (I believe) Dave’s lap.
April 28
- Serenity’s kittens now have names. They’re names are a continuation of the flower theme, in honour of Stanley: the ginger boy is Clover, the panther boy is Tulip, the tabby girl is Iris, and the tuxie girl is Tiarella Ninja.
- Kathryn Jane posted pictures and videos from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
April 26
- Atlas and Rhea went on a play date, but I don’t know where they went.
- Shelly posted a cute video of the Flower Kittens.
April 24
- Shelly weighed Serenity’s kittens and all five kittens who are in with Nelia this morning. Only small gains across the board. And Suri’s torbie, The Dot, actually lost a few grams. (Shelly hasn’t stated her weight the last couple of weigh-ins, just that yesterday she was up 42 grams from two days prior—after time in with her mama—and is now a couple of grams down.) Later in the day, she moved The Dot back in with Suri again, leaving just the ginger boy, Snap, still in with Nelia. She weighed the tabby boy, Bits, while she was there (but I don’t think she shared his weight) as well as the tabby girl, Dora — Dora has apparently gained 44 grams in the last day, since being moved back in with her mama.
(I give up — I can’t keep calling Suri’s kittens by their coat colours so, even though I absolutely hate the names and how they came about, I’ll have to start calling the kittens by the names Shelly uses. ;-))
April 23
- Aura continues her nightly extended snuggle/milkbar/bathing sessions with the Flower Kittens, hanging out with them for several hour again this morning (as she pretty much has for the past several days).
- Shelly weighed Serenity’s kittens just before 11AM this morning and removed the dirty top blanket layer in the nest. (She’ll put Serenity’s favourite grey puffy bedding in there on the next visit.) Serenity handled the visit quite well with her face hidden under a blanket. The kittens all look good and are pretty good weights. The dark ginger and panther are boys, Shelly thinks. And the dark tabby and tuxie are girls. All four have slightly contracted toes, but that shouldn’t be a problem. They all have perfect palates and look healthy.
- Kim T. posted pictures from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
- In the evening, Shelly moved Suri’s tabby girl back in with Suri and brought Suri’s torbie girl in with Nelia instead. All kittens are growing and healthy. Now that they have to share Nelia’s milkbar, the Giants will likely never be the heaviest litter (or possibly even the heaviest kitten) again, but they’re still making great gains and are well above average. So, still Giants.
April 22
- Serenity finally had her babies this evening. She gave birth to four kittens: a dark ginger at 19:45; a panther at 20:05; a dark kitten (possibly a tortie or dark tabby) at 21:58; and a surprise tuxie at 22:33. Shelly is going to be leaving them all alone for the next day or so, so as to not stress Serenity out too much, so we don’t know their sexes or birth weights. Shelly has already said that the kittens will be named after flowers, as a continuation of the tribute to Stanley.
- It’s Aura’s (and the rest of Chloe’s kittens’) first birthday today! Shelly broadcast one of Mason’s twice-daily feedings again today while the Flower Kittens and Aura wreaked havoc and Auntie Suzanne tried to distract them from Mason’s food.
- Kim T. took the Happy Forest ferals some yummy cooked turkey for a treat on this damp Easter Monday.
- Shelly posted a video of Ridge from before he was trapped. He’s a beautiful boy, but looks to be in pretty rough shape from the URI. Good thing he’s now getting the treatment he needs.
April 21
- The Flower Kittens got to have a field trip out into the living room. They were very scampy, and there were lots of zoomies. When returned to their enclosure, they all piled into the flower basket together, with much cuteness.
- Shelly showed how she syringe-feeds Mason and gave an update on other TKHQ residents.
- Mason is still doing well on his twice-daily syringe feedings and medications/supplements (darbepoetin, phosphorus binder, iron supplement, etc.). He rarely eats on his own (common for kidney cats) beyond eating a kibble or two while leaning on the Tuxies while they’re eating, hence the syringe-feeding.
- Aura has a stubborn infection (due to those little holes that re-opened in her palate two weeks after her last surgery) and is on antibiotics and getting nasal flushes to treat it. She is still on a kibble-only diet (not counting any soft food she steals from kittens or Grandpa Mason). They don’t know if they’ll try another surgery — the last one was quick; any future surgery will likely have to be more complex in order to (hopefully) permanently repair the issues with her new palate.
- Ridge, the feral with ringworm who was brought in yesterday, is being treated for his URI. His ears were also very “gross” and infected so he’s being treated for that as well. Shelly and Dave gave him a ringworm bath last night as well. (TinyKittens used to use Pure Oxygen shampoo, like LAPS does, but then switched to lime sulphur dips that seemed to work better. Smelly and messy, but effective.) They’ve had to shift stuff around in order to make sure that he is sufficiently segregated from everyone else so that the ringworm doesn’t spread. Ridge was very well behaved during the bath. Shelly’s hoping it’s towards the end of his infection as he doesn’t have any active lesions and his hair is starting to grow back where they were, but his back and tail hairs still fluoresce. His body condition is good and his gums are good; he just needs a dental for that broken canine. (Ridge is from a neighbouring property to the Happy Forest and hasn’t been added to the TK catalogue yet.)
- Serenity is still not in labour, and Shelly has no projections. If Serenity was 50 days along at her April 8 ultrasound (they couldn’t see kitten digits on x-ray, and those should become visible when the mama is 50-something days along), then she would be at day 63 now.
- Chester is on a second allergy medication as he was still itchy. That seems to be working.
- Sasha background: She (and Talula) had some prior human contact from the humans who were feeding them at the neighbouring property. They are really attached to her (and to Talula) and want her to come back to them. TK will be trying to socialize her more before she goes back, both because it will make things better when she’s home again and because it will make handling her kittens or giving her care at TK much easier.
- Shelly brought Suri’s tabby girl and ginger boy in with Nalia, in the hopes they’ll fight their way to the milkbar. Nalia accepted them quickly, and they seem to really enjoy snuggling with her and her kittens, but they initially weren’t going after the milkbar. (Perhaps they weren’t hungry at the time.) They are awfully adorable.
April 20
- Aura spent a lot of time snuggling with the Flower Kittens overnight, offering them comfort nursing and baths.
- One of the TNR team volunteers has trapped a feral cat who is in need of a neuter as well as treatment for a URI and a dental. He also has the dreaded ringworm (first one at TinyKittens in ages).
- Kathryn Jane posted pictures from her visit to the Happy Forest today.
- Sasha still looks to me at times like she’s going into heat. She’s been sort of presenting herself to him (butt up, tail to the side) and something about her (pheromones, hormones, something) seems to be sparking instincts in Chester that he is no longer able to fulfill. Could just be pregnancy hormones or the fact that she seems to be a kitten who loves other cats, kind of like Stanley.
April 19
- Snuggler Lorie N mentioned that Suri‘s kittens’ eyes are open now. (We haven’t seen Suri much on VIP, which is mostly on Chester and Sasha upstairs at TKHQ.)
- Shelly tried to weigh Nelia‘s kittens while she was there giving Rhea her eye meds, but Nelia was extra spicy and only Rhea got weighed.
April 18
- Shelly posted a video of Azalea and Dahlia comfort-nursing on Grandpa Mason.
- Serenity is still tenaciously holding onto her kittens and is very, very round. Not in labour yet, despite some impressive belly rolling earlier today.
- Sasha has begun playing. She has also started exhibiting behaviours that look a lot like early heat, and she doesn’t really look at all pregnant. Time will tell if she will turn out to be another Anelle, who the vet team were 90% sure was pregnant but turned out to not be. (If Sasha was actually pregnant enough to be confirmed by ultrasound on April 4, then she would be at least 35 days along now, which is about when queens apparently start to show. So we should see visible confirmation that she is pregnant within the next week or two.) (As an interesting aside, there is apparently an actual pregnancy test for cats that can be used from about the 20th day.)
- Kim T. posted pictures from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
April 17
- Atlas and Orion both have full eyeballs. Rhea is still working on hers. (Rhea is also now wearing a fetching lavender collar.) Shelly washed Rhea’s eyes gently with warm water as they were looking a bit crusty. The kittens are still making great gains and holding on as heaviest litter/kitten.
- Chester is now wearing the camo onesie, in an effort to get him to stop scratching at his itchy patches. (He has allergies, like a number of cats at the colony.)
April 16
- Shelly has moved Sasha in with Chester so he would have some company upstairs at TKHQ. Not sure how far along she is supposed to be, but Sasha doesn’t look even a little bit pregnant. Maybe she’ll pull an Anelle and turn out to not be pregnant.
- Shelly has also indicated that she hopes to move Suri’s kittens over to Nelia so that Suri can be spayed and returned to her colony sooner rather than later. (She feels that being at TKHQ is stressing Suri out too much.) She moved Suri’s torbie and tabby male kitten to try them out, but they just weren’t fighting for their places at Nelia’s milkbar. So she took them back to Suri a couple of hours later, saying she’ll try them again in a couple of days.
[Note: Shelly appears to have decided to go with the names given to Suri’s kittens by a couple of VIP chatters rather than giving them a proper, well thought out theme like other litters — even the newcomer Flowers Kittens — get. I get that things have been hectic and tragic at TK lately, but the VIP names are easily confused with current and recent kittens from other litters so I will not be using those names here. Expect me to refer to them as Suri’s torbie girl, etc., from here on in.]
April 15
- Shelly left Nelia some new toys while replenishing their snacks last night, and Nelia took full advantage of them, playing for quite a long time in the early morning hours today.
- Talula returned to her Happy Forest sub-colony today.
- The Flower Kittens went on a field trip out of their enclosure to visit with Grandpa Mason.
- Nelia’s kittens are still reigning as heaviest litter and kitten. Eyeballs are nearly all open. Rhea still has her umbilical stump and is still working on her eyeballs.
- Blanket changes for all cats/nests today.
- Kimsies posted some videos and a picture from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
April 14
- The Flower Kittens have names: Snowdrop (black boy with yellow collar), Snapdragon (black boy with blue collar), Azalea (tabby girl), Clary Sage (grey tuxie girl), and Dahlia (dark tabby tuxie girl).
- Shelly brought Chester over to her house in the late afternoon for a visit. He introduced himself to the kittens, booped one or two, and otherwise enjoyed himself.
- The Flower Kittens got dewormed with Interceptor.
- Kim T posted pictures from the Happy Forest.
- Chester is looking for his forever home.
- Nelia has started to play. (It’s always so exciting to see a feral cat let loose their inner kitten and start to really play.)
April 13 ♥
- Shelly announced this morning that Stanley♥ had unfortunately passed away early this morning.
“Please know that his final hours were spent surrounded by love from his best cat friend Chester, me, and his favorite snuggler Cathy. Cathy and her husband adopted him, and he passed peacefully and comfortably in the arms of his family.”
Cathy posted the lovely story of how Stanley came to be adopted by her and her family.
Flower Kittens
- TinyKittens has picked up a box of 4-to-5-week-old kittens that were left out in the rain today beside a dumpster. A good Samaritan heard their loud cries and found them. There are five kittens — two black panther boys, a floofy tabby tuxie girl, a non-floofy tabby girl, and a floofy grey tabby tuxie Puck lookalike girl. They will be named after flowers, in honour of Stanlily. Shelly did a very quick intake on them at around 7 PM. They’re hungry and a little dehydrated but are otherwise pretty healthy. They’ve been well cared-for up to this point and handled by humans. They’re currently viewable on a new live stream here on YouTube.
- Shelly has set them up in a glamping enclosure in her living room, where they went into full scamp mode right away, before conking out in the flower basket (appropriate given their litter theme). She also brought Puckling 2.0 over to Mason (off-cam) at one point to meet him — she hissed and growled at him, which is about when Shelly turned off the sound. LOL
Nelia’s Giants
- The kittens’ eyes are starting to open, and it seems as though they are beginning to hear as well since they are starting to react to external noises.
- Shelly attempted to weigh the kittens while she was down there in the late evening, but Atlas kicked up such a fuss that fiercely protective mama Nelia came to his rescue. So only Atlas has been weighed so far. (Shelly may try later to weigh the other two, after Nelia has calmed down.) Atlas is still the heaviest kitten at this age…by far; if the other two have made any gains at all, the whole litter will still be the heaviest litter average. [I expect that, like Skye, Nelia’s body was accustomed to making the most of what nutrition Nelia could find in the colony in order to build the most robust–but likely much smaller–kittens it could. But at TinyKittens, she’s had ample, really good nutrition; her body, accustomed to stretching things far, has taken this incoming nutritional abundance and turned it into Super Fuel for the growing kittens.]
April 12
- Shortly after 11 AM, Shelly announced in chat that Stanley was on his way to the ER — he vomited several times overnight and wouldn’t eat this morning. He was dehydrated. Initial tests this morning showed that he is acidotic, and his blood glucose was really high even though Shelly had just given him his insulin. He is on IV fluids and an insulin drip but is in critical condition. He will likely be in the ICU for another 5 to 7 days.
- Nelia‘s kittens made huge gains in the last two days and are now back in the lead as heaviest litter, with Atlas by far the largest kitten at this age. No eyeballs yet.
- Suri‘s kittens also made really good gains over the last couple of days. No eyeballs yet. Umbilical stumps are starting to fall off.
April 11
- Nelia‘s kittens are just over a week old now, but it’s never too soon to start playing with your kittens. (Nelia’s going to love it when they get a bit older and can really start playing with their mama.)
- Three more ferals have been trapped and brought in from the Happy Forest: Marvin, Mega, and Royal. All three are in need of neutering, but Marvin also needs a dental. (There are no pictures of Mega or Royal in the TinyKittens catalogue yet, but Kim T. posted a picture of Mega on April 9.)
- Neither litter was weighed today.
April 10
- Nelia‘s kittens made huge gains today, putting Atlas in the top spot again as heaviest kitten at this age and this litter back into the top spot as litter with the heaviest average weight. No eyeballs yet for anyone.
- The computer that runs Stanley and Chester‘s stream died at some point today. TinyKittens’ cam computers are custom-built so it may take awhile to get a replacement. (Shelly also mentioned possibly being able to find a replacement in storage that she could get up and running, but that will also take some time to accomplish.)
- No weigh-in for Suri’s kittens today, but they all look fat and healthy.
- Shelly posted an adorable picture of Suri‘s kittens from her kitten-stacking efforts during last night’s weigh-in visit.
April 9
- Talula was spayed today.
- Suri‘s little tabby girl went on a grand exploration today after falling out of the nest. (Mama retrieved her, and Shelly later bolstered the doors so they’d stay shut.)
- Both litters of kittens (Nelia‘s and Suri’s) are making great gains, growing like weeds.
- Stanley and Chester are enjoying having Lorie as their dinner lady, now that they are over at TKHQ 2.1.
- Kim T posted pictures from her trip to the Happy Forest colony today.
April 8
- Serenity went in to Mountain View today for x-rays, to check how many kittens she has on board and to see if her has a small pelvis that might become an issue. Looks like she has three kittens; their digits aren’t yet distinguishable so she has at least a week to go. And her pelvis looks fine.
- Nelia‘s three kittens are doing really well, growing like weeds and no signs of any kind of heart issues.
- Stanley and Chester moved over to a new bachelor pad at TKHQ 2.1. (The TNR ferals are typically kept in rooms in the basement flat. Stanley and Chester’s bachelor digs are in what used to be the master bedroom on the top floor of the house, which has a balcony that connects with the room next door.)
April 7 ♥
Nelia’s Kittens
- Nelia‘s kittens have names. The litter theme is Giants: Atlas (mackerel tabby boy), Rhea (mackerel tabby girl), Gaia (classic tabby girl), and Orion (ginger tabby boy).
- Gaia, the little classic tabby girl, lost weight overnight and hasn’t really nursing well, so Shelly supplemented her with a couple of tube-feedings during the day (at around 3 PM and at around 6 PM). She didn’t have a temperature and was active earlier in the day, but she had no interest in nursing and she kept restlessly moving herself away from her siblings. [Her movements and noises at that time reminded me of Peter, from Foster Dad John’s Ghostbusters litter.] Shelly warned that this is around the time that congenital issues could become apparent, or something could have happened as a result of her rough start to life (perhaps her heart didn’t get started fast enough after the C-section or perhaps she didn’t get enough oxygen), but Shelly would be keeping a close eye on things. (Mama Nelia is clearly feeling more confident as she was extra spicy during Shelly’s milkbar-arranging and kitten-stealing efforts.)
- Shelly took Gaia out of the room shortly before 7 PM, to keep her nearby for observation as Gaia’s heart rate was low. Her situation is now considered grave. (Per the chat PSA: “From Shelly: Gaia’s heart rate is very low. I will be keeping her with me to observe closely. Her prognosis is now grave, but we will ensure she is warm, fed and comfortable as long as we can.”)
- At 7:49 PM, Shelly announced in chat that Gaia had passed away. ♥
- Shelly came in and checked on the other three kittens afterwards — all three have gained weight since this morning’s weigh-in and their hearts all sound good.
Happy Forest Colony
- Kim T posted pictures of her trip to the Happy Forest today.
April 6
- Suri went into labour today and gave birth to four kittens (a torbie girl, a dark tabby boy, a ginger boy, and a tabby girl; per Shelly, the tabby girl was the first born). She initially was in with both Sasha and Talula in the nest box; Shelly later manually shifted the less-than-impressed Talula out of the nest.
Shelly confirmed that the kittens will be staying at TKHQ until their spays and neuters, at which point hopefully another rescue will be able to step forward to help get them adopted out. - Talula will be getting spayed on Tuesday. Sasha likely still has a couple of weeks to go before she has her kittens.
- Per Shelly’s reply to a question (about trapping the baby daddy) on Suri’s birth announcement post:
Not sure which cat (Majid or Tuesday) is being treated for which ailment. - Kathryn Jane posted pictures and video from her trip to the Happy Forest today.
- Stanley now weighs 2.15 kg.
- Nelia’s kittens are doing well. They’re not quite at the heaviest litter or kitten point today, but they are very close.
April 4
General Notes
- Shelly had a long Q&A session with chatters on the nursery cam stream (she was using voice-over from the other room). I’ve included the relevant updates in the sections below. She *did* confirm that Nova had been hit by a car at the colony.
- Rory‘s new Facebook and Instagram pages have been set up. (There’s nothing on the Instagram right now, but go ahead and follow it.)
Rory: The Gilmore Purrl;
Rory: The Gilmore Purrl
Nelia’s Kittens
- Shelly popped in at 4 AM to put in a heating pad and to weigh all four kittens: male tabby = 150 grams (!!), female tabby = 118 grams, female classic tabby = 125 grams, and male ginger = 140 grams. Excellent gains, especially for being just 12 hours old. Mama is clearly producing loads of milk.
- 10 AM weights: mackerel boy (now wearing a green collar) = 151 grams, mackerel girl – 122 grams, classic tabby girl = 128 grams, ginger boy = 146 grams.
- Shortly before 11 AM, Shelly and Dr. F popped in quickly to check on Nelia’s spay incision, which looks great.
- Shelly posted some additional footage from Mountain View from yesterday.
- Dr. F drew some blood for additional bloodwork on Mason this morning. Should have those results back in the next day or so.
- Looks like maybe one of the tiny holes in Aura’s palate has reopened as she has started blowing “snot rockets” again. So she’s back on a kibble-only diet.
- Gwen has been trapping at the sub-colony on a property adjacent to the Happy Forest this week. The property owner, who has been looking after the colony, had contacted TinyKittens awhile ago, but TinyKittens wasn’t able to come help until now.
- Per Shelly’s Q&A update, the two males who were trapped yesterday (Majid and Tuesday) were neutered today. (Their catalogue pages say yesterday, but I believe they were just trapped yesterday for neuter today.)
- Dr. F did ultrasounds on the three females this morning. Two of them are pregnant, one ready to go any minute and the other with a few weeks still left to go, and one is not. Shelly described the two pregnant cats as related somehow, mother/daughter or aunt/niece, something along those lines. Based on their descriptions in the catalogue, that would mean that Suri (the older female, likely an older relative of the teens) is pregnant and either Talula or Sasha (the two teenager kittens, sisters) is also pregnant.
- There is still one more known pregnant female at the colony that they are trying to trap.
- The pregnant cats from this sub-colony will be kept at TKHQ 2.1 and will likely not be on-cam at all. They are currently waiting calmly in their traps, waiting for a nursery and nests to be set up for them.
- Late night update: As of shortly before midnight (possibly earlier), the VIP stream began (temporarily, as a treat) showing the three new females in their room at the new TKHQ 2.1 house. (They are in one of the rooms in the basement flat at the house, one of the two bedrooms on the side of the house farthest from Shelly’s. That basement flat is where most, if not all, of the feral colony cats are housed while being TNRed.)
The images on the left and middle above show an unhappy Suri on the window ledge. The image on the right above shows sisters Sasha (left) and Talula (right) in the nest box in the same room. (The nest box is the same re-purposed litter box cabinet that served as Evolene’s nest.)
(Screen shots are from the VIP stream, courtesy of Ginger Root. Click any of the thumbnails to see full-sized versions.)
DNA Project
- Shelly sent the second batch of samples in a couple of months ago and is working on the third batch. Still waiting to hear back.
- Cathy posted pictures from her visit with Stanley and Chester today.
April 3
Nelia’s Babies
- Nelia started to go into labour late this morning, noticeable by a change in her nesting actions, e.g., she was licking the bedding. I don’t think Shelly noticed this as she came in to put out fresh snacks. Nelia got scared out of her own nest and into Serenity’s, where she started going into full-on active labour with contractions. She was in labour (fully monitored by Shelly outside the room and Dr. F remotely) for some time, with a sac peeking out of the opening towards the end.
- Eventually, at around 1:30 PM, Dr. F gave the call to bring her in. Shelly whisked her off to Mountain View, where the vet team performed an emergency C-section and spay. Her uterus was “huge, super vascular, and very friable” per Dr. F, so it was a good thing she hadn’t been pushing really hard as the uterus may have ruptured.
- Nelia had four kittens: two girls, two boys; two mackerel tabbies, one female classic tabby, one ginger classic tabby, all of good weights. (The lightest was 112 grams and the heaviest was 136 grams — the new weight chart hasn’t been created by Shelly yet, but 136 grams is the heaviest birth weight for any recorded TinyKittens litter.)
- Shelly brought Nelia and the kittens home at around 3:30 PM. She placed them all in Nelia’s nest with the dark plexiglass back hatch door down temporarily (presumably to keep her from wandering around in her drugged up state and make sure she stayed with the kittens). Shelly then gave a voice-over update from the outer room, eventually going back in to micro manage the milkbar for a bit. (It might take a while for Nelia’s milk to start coming in, common after a C-section.) Nelia was so good with Shelly touching her and moving her kittens around.
- Elsa, Ryker, and Titus have gone back to the Happy Forest. (Not sure if that was today or earlier.)
- Majid (male), Sasha (female, not to be mistaken for Sasha, the first feral rehomed to a barn in Feb 2015), Suri (female), Talula (female), and Tuesday (male) were trapped and brought in from the property adjacent to the Happy Forest. (The Happy Forest colony mixes with some smaller satellite colonies on surrounding properties, including the Nano’s Farm colony. Again, not sure if this happened today or earlier — the catalogue was updated late tonight.)
April 2
- Serenity and Nelia are both still stubbornly holding on, though Nelia has teased us again today by having a nice deep sleep in her nest. Lots of belly movement, lots of Nelia-splooting, but no active labour yet.
- Stanley‘s continuing to do really well on his new feeding plan. His post-meal weigh-in after his evening meal tonight was great: he weighed 2.11 kgs!
- Shelly announced late tonight that both Lorelai and Rory have new homes. Lorelai’s new Facebook page is City Kitty Tales. From the looks of her Facebook page, Lorelai has been at her new home for a few days. (I’m a bit disappointed that we weren’t told that was happening so we could have a nice tiny suitcase, goodbye thing. I honestly don’t understand this whole waiting until they’re gone to tell us they’ve been adopted, but you could say we should be thankful we hear anything at all.)
- Kim T posted pictures from her visit to the Happy Forest today. (If you’re a Chapel fan like me, you’ll love the couple of pics of him. Really. ♥)