Feral Colony Cats

- Jules was at LAPS with Tellar (and Rio and Eaton) from 12:00 to 15:00 PST, to help people get to know the three former ferals better and hopefully apply to adopt one or more of them. She was successful with Tellar — Tellar went home with his new humans today!!! ❤️
Rio and Eaton
- No updates today.
Alumni Notes
- Spice (now Chloe), who came to LAPS from the feral colony with Beetlejuice, and her humans were at Mountain View for a checkup. She’s doing great in her new home.
TinyKittens HQ:
General Notes
- Shelly (finally) created a community page for the teens (and Cassidy): TinyTuxies.
- No updates yet today.
People for Happier Cats/TNR site:
The cams and Livestream feeds
On Thursday, February 4, Shelly set up a new Livestream event for the Feral Recovery Room. This was so that she could set up a new cam on Noelle and Elf downstairs at TKHQ.
So we now have three live streaming webcams at TKHQ. The various room cams (currently the feral recovery room, the romper room, and NoElf’s room) get swapped around among the three feeds so at any given point, you really have to check the feed to see what room it’s showing:
- The Jingle Bell’s Romper Room of Delight stream
- The Feral Recovery Room stream
- The TinyKittens VIP cam stream — Wherever it’s pointing at any given moment, this special stream/feed is only accessible for a monthly or annual fee. (Consider it a way to donate to TinyKittens monthly, with the VIP cam feed as a perk.)
Feral Recovery Ward
Current residents:

- No updates yet today.
- The Visits:
- Amanda visited.
Formerly-Feral Mega Romper Room
This is the room where Comet, Mistletoe, Jingle, and Nicholas are currently residing until they head to their forever homes. It’s frequently the room that is viewable only on the VIP stream.
- Today was adoption day. All four kittens/cats went to their forever homes this morning. It’s a little bittersweet — happiness because they’ve found their homes but sadness because we’ll all miss their scampiness.
- The Visits:
- Shelly’s “late night” visit last night technically qualifies as a visit today — she was at TKHQ until 03:00 this morning printing out paperwork and medical records and getting everything all prepared for the adoptions.
- Shelly also visited this morning after hopefully a little sleep, but not long before the adopters arrived. (The adopters were due to arrive between 10 and 11 but most showed up just before or right at 10:00.) She posted the video of the adoptions on the Livestream page, but it’s also on Little Darling’s YouTube channel.
NoElf Room
This is the room downstairs where Noelle and Elf are currently residing, on their own while Noelle’s ringworm status is still positive.
- No updates yet today.
- The Visits:
- Visit details to come.
Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Mt Comet Nick and Jingle go to furever homes
Tiny Kittens Amanda visits feral recovery room
Tiny Kittens Alicia visits feral recovery room
Tiny Kittens Shellys visits feral recovery room
Tiny Kittens Shellys visit with NoElf
[Page last updated: 2016/02/14 at 00:12 PST]