Feral Colony Cats

- Tellar went home with Foster Mom Jules yesterday for a few days so that he can get used to being in a home environment. Eaton and Rio are still together at the shelter.
- The Livestream cam was on them overnight, but Jayne moved the cam back over to the Star Wars kittens after she came in this morning.
- Kim T. posted a video of Eaton and Rio cuddling.
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Star Wars Litter
LAPS staff and volunteers have been very good about posting the videos of the various visits with Queen Amidala and the kittens to their Livestream page, so if you miss any visit, you can go to to watch them. (Note: It’s not always easy to tell what day a video is from — Livestream uses relative time, i.e. “xx days ago”, for posts and Zulu Time, which is currently eight hours ahead of PST, for comments — but they are in reverse chronological order on the page.)
- The cam that was on the Star Wars was moved temporarily (overnight) to Eaton and Rio but was returned to Star Wars kitten coverage after Jayne came in.
- Weight chart
- Today’s visits/videos on Livestream (in chronological order, titles from actual posts):
TinyKittens HQ:
- No updates yet today.
People for Happier Cats/TNR site:
General Notes
The TinyKittens VIP cam gets swapped around periodically. The feed (wherever it’s pointing at any given moment) can be accessed for a monthly or annual fee. (Consider it a way to donate to TinyKittens monthly, with the VIP cam feed as a perk.)
Feral Recovery Ward
Current residents:

- In her late night visit with the upstairs kittens, Shelly mentioned that the PCR tests for all three of these cats were negative, meaning Tiger/Buffy will be available for adoption as soon as he’s been neutered (which won’t be until his URI clears up); the girls are already spayed, but still need some socialization before they’ll be considered adoption-ready.
- The Visits:
- Kimsies visited in the late morning. She initially came in in her street clothes to put out food and fix the lamp before she went to visit NoElf. She came back after that in full iso gear for a proper visit. She cleaned up and had extensive cuddle sessions with Tiger and Enara. During the cleaning, she’d moved the Kuranda away from the ledge so that it couldn’t be used as a ladder — I think in the hopes that it would encourage Satine to hang out at floor level for awhile where she could be socialized more easily. Kimsies pulled Satine into her lap at one point, but that didn’t go over well and Kimsies had to hurry to move the Kuranda back over so Satine could reach her safe place without hurting herself.
- Alicia visited. Lots of pets and scritches for everyone, including Satine. More food.
- Shelly visited late. Tiger is still snarfly. Enara was a little hissy. Shelly turned on the Pounce mouse track toy as she left to visit NoElf.
Formerly-Feral Mega Romper Room
- Overnight notes: Jingle Bell the hooligan unplugged or turned off the light in the room during the night so for most of the night, viewers just saw a very dark room.
- The shelf bed in this room fell in the evening, just like the one downstairs in the feral room has done many times. This fall took Mistletoe, Comet, and Nicholas with it — they all landed pretty hard and afterwards chatters remarked that Nick seemed to be cleaning/licking his mouth a lot. (Wouldn’t surprise me at all if he’d banged his face in the fall as they came down hard.)
- Adoptions: Joy went to her forever home today at around 14:00 PST. Her tiny suitcase was packed on-cam before that.
- The Visits:
- Kimsies visited in the morning. She brought her camera with her. Cleaning, food/water, lots of play and cuddles. Jingle making a break for the door. Pretty typical visit. 😉
- Alicia visited in the afternoon. More food and water. Lots of cuddles and playtime, especially with Jingles.
- Shelly was in shortly before 14:00 to pack up Joy’s tiny suitcase and then meet with her adopter. (Erin, Joy’s new human, didn’t want to be on the cam so it was turned to the wall for part of the visit and then on Shelly for the rest of it.)
- Shelly visited late in the evening. She put out more food/water and did some general tidying. The shelf bed had fallen before this — she moved the bed out of way. She went downstairs to see NoElf and then came back up to give these kittens their ringworm medication. Got weird inconclusive results from the PCRs tests for these guys (all six of them, including Noelle and Elf) so will be doing baths in the morning. (Mistletoe knows what’s coming and isn’t happy about it.) Gwen, Kimsies, Alicia, and Lawana will be coming by to help with the baths.
Kimsies’ videos and pictures at TKHQ:
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Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Kimsie visits Jingle & Co
Tiny Kittens Joy’s tiny suitcase then goes to furever home
[Page last updated: 2016/02/15 at 00:16 PST]