Note: Page is still being updated.
General Notes
- LAPS shared the January 10th episode of The Animal Show, which featured dogs Russel and Porsche and cats Mr. Sandberg and Hazel. Since the episode was filmed, the dogs and Mr. Sandberg have been adopted (I don’t know when), but Hazel is still looking for her forever home.
Star Wars Litter
LAPS staff and volunteers have been very good about posting the videos of the various visits with Queen Amidala and the kittens to their Livestream page, so if you miss any visit, you can go to to watch them. (Note: It’s not always easy to tell what day a video is from — Livestream uses relative time, i.e. “xx days ago”, for posts and Zulu Time, which is currently eight hours ahead of PST, for comments — but they are in reverse chronological order on the page.)
- Weight chart
- Today’s visits/videos on Livestream (in chronological order, titles from actual posts):
Christmas Decoration Kittens
Alicia tries to broadcast a Periscope with the kittens every night at around 20:00 PST. Because Periscope videos are only viewable on/in Periscope for 24 hours, I record the videos and upload them to YouTube.
- Alicia had her nightly Periscope with Star. Star has officially made her spay weight. Her spay is scheduled for this coming Wednesday and on Thursday she’ll be making her new human putty in her paws. (video to come – I’ve recorded it but just haven’t uploaded it to YouTube yet)
TinyKittens HQ:
- Cassidy and Shelly head off to North Carolina this weekend to see Dr. Marcellin-Little about possible future implants. Cassidy is getting sores on his stumps again so Shelly has had to dial back the splinting.
People for Happier Cats/TNR site:
General Notes
Prior to the three newly spayed feral cats arriving at TKHQ, the VIP feed was on the feral recovery ward downstairs. Shelly swapped the feeds around for the intake on the three new cats so that everyone could watch. As of early this morning, that was still the way things were set up — the VIP feed was on the “clean” kittens upstairs and the regular feed was on the feral recovery room downstairs. (No feed was covering Elf and Noelle.) The TinyKittens VIP cam feed (wherever it’s pointing at any given moment) can be accessed for a monthly or annual fee. (Consider it a way to donate to TinyKittens monthly, with the VIP cam feed as a perk.)
The cams were reset around the time that Shelly arrived downstairs at 11:00-ish. Since I was at work and not able to watch live at the time, I don’t know what happened prior to that unless Little Darling recorded it.
Feral Recovery Ward
Current residents:

- Shiloh was returned to the colony this afternoon. Her week-long post-spay recovery period had ended and it was clear she wasn’t quite ready to try this whole “let’s be an indoor cat” thing long term.
- The Visits:
- Shelly visited at around 11:00 this morning, primarily to give the three new girls their pain meds but also to administer some ear and chin scratches. As expected, Pansy was the most difficult to catch. Once caught, though, she permitted some scratching and even a little ear cleaning. - Kimsies visited.
- Kimsies and Gwen crated Shiloh so she could be returned to the colony.
- Shelly visited in the late afternoon to take some pictures. (She popped in a little later looking for her phone; she turned on the Pounce mouse track toy and the automatic laser pointer while she was there. )
- Shelly visited at around 11:00 this morning, primarily to give the three new girls their pain meds but also to administer some ear and chin scratches. As expected, Pansy was the most difficult to catch. Once caught, though, she permitted some scratching and even a little ear cleaning.
Formerly-Feral Mega Romper Room
- Nicholas and Noelle went to Mountain View. Nicholas to see about his infection — Shelly couldn’t express his bladder last night so they can do a cystocentesis to get a good sample right from the bladder. (They had to do the same thing with some of Sisko’s kittens who had really persistent infections.) Noelle went as well because she’d been having trouble peeing a couple of days ago and they want to check her out. Samples were obtained and the results should be back in a couple of days. In the meantime, both Nicholas and Noelle are on pain meds and at least Nicholas is on antibiotics. (Joy has been somewhat aggressive with Nicholas since he first started displaying signs of the infection a couple of days ago, biting at his nether regions and just
- Gwen cleaned out the other room thoroughly.
- Shelly has gotten a few more applications in. There’s a good one for Joy — Shelly is going to arrange another PCR test for Joy just to be sure that she’s negative before she goes to a new home. Jingle has a good application, but it needs to be confirmed. Nicholas has a confirmed adoption application, but Shelly needs to update them on his current health state. (The UTI he has is not going to delay his neuter surgery scheduled for Monday, but it *is* something his new people should know about.)
- The Visits:
- Shelly visited before 11:00. Nicholas (and Noelle) were already at Mountain View by then.
- Suzanne visited around lunchtime.
- Gwen quickly dropped off Nicholas after he came back from the vet’s.
- Shelly visited for longer later. And she stopped by in the evening to put out more food.
Kimsies’ feral recovery room videos and pictures:
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Kimsies’ feral colony videos and pictures:
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Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):
Tiny Kittens Shellys visit then another visit in feral room
Tiny Kittens Kimsie visits feral room
[Page last updated: 2016/01/23 at 12:26 PST]