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Recap: Saturday, February 18, 2017

February Feral Fix-a-thon

Links for current fix-a-thon

Links for October 2016 fix-a-thon

Day #2 Trapping Notes:

  • Up to 30 cats can be spayed/neutered tomorrow with the time and resources available so they can trap 16 additional cats today to make up the numbers. Firefighters from the Township of Langley Firefighters’ Charities will be taking part in the events today.
  • Rain is still in the cards for the Fraser Valley today and tomorrow.
  • At 10:36, Shelly switched the feed over to the Happy Forest. They will be trapping there today, with possibly some additional trapping at Nano’s Colony and the Lion Colony. They’re also going to be doing tarp maintenance at the Happy Forest.
  • Two firefighters worked on hanging new tarps over the feeding area.
  • At 11:50, Shelly stopped at the cam to say that they had Quinn, who is coming in for some dental work, and Elwood. Six are coming in from Surrey (perhaps something to do with the Surrey Community Cat Coalition, which recently trapped 17 cats). Gwen is currently at Nano’s Colony, but hopefully will get to Lion Colony as well. They’re hoping to get Macey.
  • 12:59 Shelly had to cover up her laptop because it’s starting to drop out there. Milo is trying to get trapped. Gwen has someone trapped at Nano’s Colony, and now Shelly says there are 7 cats coming from Surrey.
  • At 13:14, the cam at the Happy Forest died and that was the end of the on-location viewing.
  • As of 17:00, Gwen was still out trapping, hoping to get a couple more cats.
  • 20:45: Unofficial word via a chatter that a total of 32 cats had been trapped. Don’t know who the extra 3 cats are yet.
  • 22:00: Shelly said there are 34 cats total, but she hasn’t updated things yet. There are some ferocious cats downstairs. (Fix-a-thon page was updated by 23:20.)

The trappees today:

  1. [Pre-11:50] Quinn [Female, already spayed, coming in for dental]
  2. [Pre-11:50] Elwood [Male]
  3. [Pre-12:38] Cato [Male]
  4. [Pre-12:38] Macey [Female]
  5. Marlowe [Male]
  6. Aviva [Female]
  7. Emory [Male]
  8. Rusty [Male]
  9. Chomper [Female]
  10. Mikey [Male]
  11. Narayan – K1  [Female] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  12. Narayan – K2 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  13. Narayan – A1 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  14. Willow – A1 [Female] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  15. Ewos – A1 [Female] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  16. Ewos – A2 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  17. Ewos – A3 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  18. Ewos – A5 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  19. Ewos – A6 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)
  20. Narayan – K5 [Male] (Surrey cat from “Am” colony)

SUMMARY: The total number of cats trapped over the two trapping days is 34 cats (14 yesterday and 20 today):
5 from Lion ColonyWee Pumpkin (M), Middle Pumpkin (M), Floofermelon (F), Rocky (M), Terra (F)
14 from Nano’s ColonyAddison (F), Aviva (F), Chomper (F), Emory (M), Esmerelda (F), Floyd (M), Mali (F), Marcel (M), Marcella (F), Marlowe (M), Merrit (F), Mikey (M), Nala (F), Racer (M),
5 from the Happy ForestQuinn (F), Macey (F), Elwood (M), Cato (M), Rusty (M)
10 from Surrey – Ewos – A1 (F), Ewos – A2 (M), Ewos – A3 (M), Ewos – A5 (M), Ewos – A6 (M), Narayan – A1 (M), Narayan – K1 (F), Narayan – K2 (M), Narayan – K5 (M), Willow – A1 (F)

Day #2 Intake Notes:

Lion Colony (TKHQ White Room Upstairs)

  • Checking in on Wee Pumpkin: At 14:54, Shelly and Kimsies arrived back at TKHQ and came in to check out Wee Pumpkin.
    • He got snacks, cuddles from Kimsies, and his temperature taken (it’s 104° F).
    • He’s particularly sneezey and snarfly. Even though Dr. F is going to at TKHQ in a few hours, they decided to give him antibiotics, eye ointment, pain meds, and some subQ fluids. (He may not get his neuter tomorrow, but may go in to have his ears checked since they were well on the way to being as bad as Radley’s was.) Shelly checked his ears with an otoscope and cleaned them out a bit more.
    • Kimsies combed him with a flea comb (which he seemed to really enjoy) and found the occasional flea.
    • Shelly mentioned in passing that she had been going to take Wee Pumpkin and Floofermelon over to her place, but then decided to wait until Dr. F arrives tonight to decide.
    • Shelly left Kimsies to snuggle with Wee while Shelly went to do the intakes (off-cam) on the Happy Forest cats.
  • Shelly said she’d been hoping to go back to the Lion Colony tonight but doesn’t think she’ll have time (and Gwen, who was trapping at Nano’s Colony, doesn’t yet know how to get to the Lion Colony).

Nano’s Colony (TKHQ Downstairs Rooms)

  • If it goes like last night, any new Nano Colony cats will have their intakes done off-cam.

Happy Forest Colony (TKHQ Purple Room Upstairs)

  • The intakes on the Happy Forest cats (Cato, Elwood, Macey, and Quinn) were done starting at around 15:55 on the VIP stream.
  • Quinn(bunny) – Quinn was apparently not at all impressed with being grabbed by Shelly. Shelly noticed at the colony that Quinn may have a foreign body in one of her molars and has some funky incisors. She put Quinn in her open crate up on the lego blocks with a route to either watch or escape if she wants. She gave her Revolution.
  • Elwood – He’s very squirmy and “rambunctious”. Shelly thinks he has some of the best feral teeth she’s seen. She gave him Revolution.
  • Cato – Confirmed he’s a boy. Checked his teeth — he has some good “gingervitis” (the gingivitis that a lot of the colony gingers seem to be prone to). His trap was full of leaves so she cleaned it out and put down a clean blanket. She gave him Revolution.
  • Rusty – Very growly and hissy. Came out of the drop trap. Gave him Revolution. Very stinky, so Shelly presumed he’s a boy — confirmed by discovery of manly testicles. 😉 Has some gingivitis.
  • Macey – Shelly planned to leave Macey in her trap until Dr. F gets there, just in case Macey chooses not to be cooperative. But she changed her mind. Macey’s PCR came back negative so any bald patches are a result of the “love bite” wounds she has on her neck. Shelly tried to feel her belly but Macey was too squished up. Shelly took her up to see if she wanted to snuggle with Quinn. Macey wasn’t too panicked up there and Shelly got some good petting in while Macey looked out the window. Shelly thinks she can feel a baby bump. Shelly moved Quinn’s crate under the window so that Macey has a window seat if she wants it.

General Intake Notes

  • The new trap covers and clipboard system they used for this fix-a-thon have been working out well. (Someone said yesterday in chat that the cover colours are random, but the cats in the Lion Colony and Happy Forest room all have pink covers for the girls and blue covers for the boys.)
  • Dr. Ferguson (Mountain View Veterinary Hospital) is expected to come to TinyKittens HQ early this evening (at around 18:45/19:00, after the clinic closes) to do 11 ultrasounds on the female cats and check out any of the cats (like Wee Pumpkin) that have health issues.

Notes from Dr. Ferguson’s visit and the evening:

  • Happy Forest Cats
    • Macey– Dr. F, Kimsies, and Shelly arrived to ultrasound Macey at 19:10. Tried it with no belly-shaving, but that didn’t work so well (mind you, neither did the human clippers she ended up using because the pet clippers wouldn’t turn on). Dr. F doesn’t think Macey is pregnant, or she’s less than two weeks pregnant. Dr. F also checked out the bite marks on Macey’s back. They’ll check her out better at Mountain View tomorrow.
  • Lion Colony Cats
    • Wee Pumpkin – Dr. F checked him out. She doesn’t see persistent pupillary membranes in his bad eye, just viral or trauma (rather than congenital). It’s distorting his pupil. TK will be taking care of him for awhile. Switching to Veraflox once a day for 14 days. Ears are bad, lymph nodes are swollen. Topical steroid twice a day for awhile. Erythromycin for him as well. Shelly shouldn’t clean his ears for a couple of days, give the pain some time to subside.
    • Floofermelon – Floofermelon put up with being held quite well, all things considered. Dr. F doesn’t think Floofermelon is pregnant.
    • Terra: Terra was not happy to be held for her ultrasound. She has a small hernia, which will be repaired during her spay. Dr. F doesn’t think Terra is pregnant.
    • Shelly put Wee and Middle Pumpkins together in a double trap. (She put Wee in with Middle while they were ultrasounding Floofermelon…she’d considered separating them, but ending up leaving them together even when she came back later to remove the food.)
  • Nano’s Colony
    • These weren’t done on-cam. We’re awaiting updates on the results of the ultrasounds.
  • 22:00 – There was apparently a problem with the ultrasound machine so there were no further ultrasounds. Hopefully it will be working tomorrow; if not, they’ll do manual exams. Shelly removed food from the various cages in preparation for the surgeries tomorrow. (And she put more toys in for Wee to play with.) She’s sporting a bleeding bite wound on her right hand, which can probably be explained by her comment that some of the cats downstairs are ferocious. 😉

TinyKittens HQ

The cams and Livestream feeds

Recently, Shelly has been switching cams and feeds around fairly randomly so I am just going to note what cams were viewable when. Generally there is a VIP stream and a public stream.

  • The VIP stream showed highlights of past litters until Shelly started to do the intakes on the Happy Forest cats, at which point it began streaming from the purple room upstairs at TinyKittens HQ. At 18:41, the VIP switched to show Wee Pumpkin et al in the white room and regular cam switched to show Macey with Quinn in the purple room, presumably in preparation for Dr. F’s visit. When they moved on to do the ultrasounds on the Lion Colony girls (and check out Wee), the feeds switched again so that Wee et al were back on the regular stream and Macey and Quinn were on VIP.
  • The regular (“fix-a-thon”) stream showed Wee and Floofermelon in their double-length trap in the white room upstairs at TinyKittens HQ overnight and in the morning. Once trapping started, the feed switched out to the feeding area at the Happy Forest colony. At 13:14, the cam at the Happy Forest died; at 13:24, once Shelly noticed, she switched the feed back to the white room upstairs at TinyKittens HQ. At 18:41, the VIP switched to show Wee Pumpkin et al in the white room and regular cam switched to show Macey with Quinn in the purple room, presumably in preparation for Dr. F’s visit. When they moved on to do the ultrasounds on the Lion Colony girls (and check out Wee), the feeds switched again so that Wee et al were back on the regular stream and Macey and Quinn were on VIP.
  • Nothing was streaming live on YouTube.


Calvin is temporarily at Shelly’s house.


Mason is at Shelly’s. He has the run of the house, though Shelly says he mostly hides under the couch.


The cams and Livestream feeds

LAPS is currently having some technical issues with their computer and their Internet/WiFi and so they’re generally unable to broadcast a full-time live stream at this time. Their current intermittent streams are:

  • A Day in the Life At LAPS: This is the main general event for LAPS. It’s the stream where intakes are usually streamed along with other shelter residents/rooms.

Belle and the Beauty and the Beast Kittens

  • The Abbotsford Petsmart is having an adoption event this weekend, which will feature the Beauty and the Beast kittens. (They’re not quite ready for adoption yet, but they’ll be there for viewing.)

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Feb Fixathon Intro to Sat TNR day

Tiny Kittens Feb Fixathon update & firemen helping in the background

Tiny Kittens Fixathon update two and firemen still working in background

Tiny Kittens Feb Fixathon saturday wee has SQ fluids 4 cold & flea comb

Tiny Kittens Feb Fixathon Dr F does ultrasounds 1

Tiny Kittens Feb fixathon Dr F does ultrasounds 2

Tiny Kittens Feb Fix ultrasound machine malfunction wee not going tom

Tiny Kittens Wee being playful & adorable

[Page last updated: 2017/02/19 at 08:44 PST]

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