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Recap: Wednesday, December 2, 2015


French Litter

  • The foster family (Paws and Claws Animal Hospital) of this litter of three kittens (Noor, Paris, and France) that was brought in to LAPS on Saturday, November 14 posted a really charming video of the kittens with their dog Tango. The kittens will be available for adoption in a few weeks.


  • Maks was adopted today from the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre in the Abbotsford Petsmart. Diamond, Gem, and Ruby from the Jewel litter and Maks’ brother Val are still available.


Adrien Brody

  • Little survivor Adrien Brody is still waiting for his forever home at the LAPS Satellite Adoption Centre in the Abbotsford Petsmart.

TinyKittens HQ:

  • No updates yet today

People for Happier Cats/TNR site:

General Notes:

  • Update from Shelly on the Jingle/Holly cam this morning (note: I didn’t see the original comment from Shelly, just the PSA repost from chatters):
    This morning’s plan is for superstar snuggler Suzanne to come in about an hour whilst we are trapping, then Kim & Gwen meeting around 1 to do intake on whatever I bring back. 🙂

Jingle Bell and Holly Belle

  • Suzanne’s 11:00-ish PST visit:
    • Food, play, and lots of cuddling. Jingle so desperately wants to climb up higher on whatever human is there — to the face? to the shoulder? just up, up, up. He even jumped up onto Suzanne’s back. Too bad about the ringworm.
  • The PCR results are officially in: it’s ringworm (results came in during the ringworm bath party)

New feral kittens

Note: Shelly posted the full DVR of the whole 5+ hours of this intake/bathing session to the Livestream page at http://livestream.com/tinykittens/bells/videos/106103407.

  • Four new kittens enroute from the colony. (Gwen got a text saying there were four of them, though the picture below shows three. The three in the picture below are, left to right, kitten #3, kitten #1, and kitten #2.)
  • Gwen and Kimsies helped out with the intake and ringworm bathing of these new kittens at TinyKittens HQ. (Gwen arrived at 13:00, Kimsies arrived a bit later, and full intake started at 14:03.)
    • Kitten #1:
      — Random kitten, in the wrong place at the wrong time (per Shelly); short-haired ticked brown tabby female; 1.475 kg (with pink towel/blankie) and adult teeth are coming in so about 4 to 5 months.
      — Very unhappy to be trapped; very vocal about her upset but much more calmer as the intake exam went on
      — No mouth ulcers; wound in ear (maybe from scratching); tummy is bloated; left heel has a healing wound on it that didn’t fluoresce; possibly ringworm on underside of tail tip
      — cleaned out ears, trimmed nails
      — They did not give her Capstar.
      kitten 1 01 2015-12-02
    • Kitten #2:
      — Medium haired ginger with white, male, 1.020 kg.
      — Bloated belly (probably from parasites); covered with fleas and flea dirt (given 1/4 of a Capstar tablet for that); really gunky, ear-mite-infested ears (cleaned out as much as possible for now); discharge from eyes (gave him drops); a number of old, healing ringworm lesions (confirmed with definitive apple green fluorescing under blacklight); temp 39.1 C
      — 8 to 9 weeks old — he has all his baby teeth and his eye color has turned.
      — He ate well when presented with food.
      — According to the PO, this kitten is a littermate of kitten #3, even though he is twice her size. Pretty docile. (The PO called Shelly about these ones, saying that they needed medical help, so she took them.)
      kitten 2 04 2015-12-02 kitten 2 06 2015-12-02
    • Kitten #3: Medium haired torbie tuxie female, 0.475 kg
      — According to the PO, this kitten is a littermate of kitten #2, even though he is twice her size. Her eyes have changed color and she has all her baby teeth, which seems to confirm that she is the same age as kitten #2.
      — Really skinny, gums are really pale, dehydrated so gave her 10ml of fluids; ate really well when food was given to her, though, which is a good sign. Temp is 37.7 C, which is low.
      — Gave her 1/4 of a Capstar tablet to kill the fleas, cleaned out her ears, trimmed her nails. They also gave her Revolution later, after they retook her temperature. Dr. F called to say to hold off on the Atrifungal for a few days, until they’ve all stabilized.
      — They put a heating packet in with her and her temp after that and after the fluids went up to 38.7 C. She also is drinking water on her own and still eating like a champ.
      kitten 3 01 2015-12-02 kitten 3 02 2015-12-02 kimsies and kitten #3 01 2015-12-02
    • Kitten #4: Was hanging around with Jingle at the site
      — Large, manly dark ginger boy; 3.33 kg so about a year old they think
      — Doesn’t seem to have any crusties/lesions; nothing fluoresced under blacklight
      — No bad teeth, but bad breath (and he has the gingivitis that the colony gingers all seem to have); lots of flea dirt — gave him 1/2 Capstar
      — Some concern about putting him in with Holly since he’s not neutered and they’re both older. But more concern because he’s not sick with URI or ringworm and they don’t want to expose him unnecessarily. (The discussion about where to put him and whether or not to put Holly in with him went on for quite some time.)
      kitten 4 01 2015-12-02

Ringworm Bath Party

  • Ringworm baths were started by around 16:40, after the kitten intakes, with Jingle first in the hot seat. (PCR results came in while his bath was finishing up.)
    bath central jingle 1 2015-12-02
  • Holly was next. They’ve decided to put Holly in with the big ginger (kitten #4) in what is usually the kitten/nest room because neither appear to have ringworm (the other three from today and Jingle definitely do have ringworm) and both have had similar contact with Jingle so have been exposed to the same things. This way she could possibly be available for adoption in a few weeks, after her URI and infection resolve, instead of having to go through the whole ringworm protocol. They gave her eye drops, atrifungal, and cleaned out her ears and paws. (I swear it looked like she was at the spa, getting a head and foot massage.) Gwen commented that Holly’s paws are noticeably smaller than they were when she first saw them, which is good.
    holly bath spa 2015-12-02
  • Kitten #1 was next. The bath startled her at one point, but otherwise she took it really well. No growling or hissing like she did earlier on. She fluoresced some under blacklight.
    kitten 1 bath 2015-12-02 kitten 1 bath 2 2015-12-02
  • Kitten #3 was next. They’d already given her Revolution, which won’t last quite as long as expected because of the bath. She didn’t appreciate the bath at all so it ended up being mostly a sponge bath. Lots of flea dirt.
    kitten 3 bath 2015-12-02
  • Finally, kitten #2. (The bigger ginger boy, kitten #4, wasn’t being bathed.) They gave him atrifungal, Revolution, and more eye drops, and cleaned out his ears a bit more.
    kitten 2 bath 2015-12-02 kitten 2 bath 2 2015-12-02
  • When Shelly put Holly in with the big ginger boy (who Shelly called “Ginger Cookie”, which I don’t think is going to be his name but would be such an awesome one and fitting for the season), Holly climbed right into his crate with him and snuggled right up to him. He didn’t seem to mind. Aw.
  • Shelly went in with the Ringworm 4 after all the baths, to get them all settled and set up, and to make sure that the little kitten #3 was warm enough. Shelly will be back later tonight to check in again.
    cozy alcove 2015-12-02
  • The kids from Holly Elementary will help with the names for the new kittens, but it was too late to get them to do that today. So names coming tomorrow.

Late night visit

  • Jingle was at the door almost before Shelly opened it fully.
  • Everyone is doing well. Jingle and “Gingerfloof” (aka kitten #2) have been playing and chasing each other. Kitten #1 has been out and about, but mostly likes her tunnel. Kitten #3 (teeny tiny torbie) has slept alot but has also gotten up and moved around.
  • Jingle has been snuggling with “Teeny Tiny” but then again she’s also in the warmest corner in the room (heater blowing warm air, heating pad under the mat, cozy fleece blanket). 😉
  • Shelly brought in more food, which Jingle and “Teeny Tiny” ate. (“Teeny Tiny” also drank some water so Shelly didn’t give her any fluids.)
  • “Teeny Tiny”‘s temperature was 38 C.
  • Shelly also gave “Gingerfloof” more eye drops and cleaned out both his and “Teeny Tiny”‘s ears a bit. She left Kitten #1 alone in her tunnel for tonight. There will be time for snuggling tomorrow.

Today’s video caps courtesy of Sara (Little Darling):

Tiny Kittens Suzanne’s visit with J & H

Tiny Kittens 4 kittens from TNR colony intake at TKHQ [First part, up to just after kitten #3’s fluids]

Tiny Kittens TNR kittens intake [part 2] and RW baffs

Tiny Kittens TNR baffs continued and kittens are setup in separate rooms

[Page last updated: 2015/12/03 at 13:59 PST]

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